As part of our training program, we send our employees to take part of the National Association of Surety Bond Producers “NASBP” Surety School sessions. Level I is a good introduction into bonding and goes into detail the things that we train on in the office.
Sarah Drinnan, joined our team in March and participated in the Level 1 course this past September. When asked for her feedback, she said “the instructors took the time to make sure we understood everything that was being said by using many helpful examples”. That’s what we love about these classes, whether it’s Level I, Level II, or Level III you have industry professionals – other Agents, Underwriters, Claims people, etc. taking the time out of their busy schedules to teach. Each different level goes more in depth and becomes even more hands on. What’s great about these classes is that you are surrounded by other motivated people, looking to broaden their knowledge of the bonding world.
By being active members of NASBP it helps Florida Surety Bonds maintain the important tools and knowledge to have a successful team.