10 Tips for Negotiating Construction Contracts

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10 Tips for Negotiating Construction Contracts

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Here is a link to a great article on the Construction Executive’s website. The article shares 10 tips on negotiating contracts.

  1. Understand the owner’s project performance requirements.
  2. Develop realistic cost estimates.
  3. Establish a realistic project schedule.
  4. Sell the project team.
  5. Pick risk allocation battles.
  6. Engage an insurance advisor.
  7. Strive for progressive dispute resolution.
  8. Understand the owner’s team.
  9. Encourage candid discussions.
  10. Avoid interim work before closing the contract.

Click HERE to read the details behind each tip in the full article.

By | 2015-12-15T17:09:52+00:00 December 15th, 2015|Surety Blog|Comments Off on 10 Tips for Negotiating Construction Contracts

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