Upcoming Lien Law Seminar

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Upcoming Lien Law Seminar

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Florida Surety Bond’s Annual “Understanding Lien and Bond Law” Seminar is right around the corner. This seminar, presented by Frank Rapprich, Esq. with Wright & Casey PA, will go over the important topic of Lien & Bond Laws.

Educating our clients on these laws is important. The seminar will address topics such as: Notice to Owner, Notice of Non Payment, Claim of Lien (FL, GA, AL), Bond Lawsuits, Lien Lawsuits, Public vs. Private Jobs, Current Developments, and How to get Paid! An added bonus on this seminar is the 3 hours of CGC Continuing Education Credit.

The Seminar will be held in Daytona on May 11th, invites are going out soon!

If you would like to attend this seminar, please call 407-786-7770 or EMAIL us so we can provide you with all the details.


By | 2016-04-12T13:51:28+00:00 April 12th, 2016|Surety Blog|Comments Off on Upcoming Lien Law Seminar

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