Surety Blog

What’s Happening?

It is a faithful old saying that “What you can measure, you can manage”.  That truth spurs us all to be sure we can measure the important numbers dear to us like job cost, overhead expense, revenues and the like.  Often, the quality of our measuring tools determines the quality of our management.    Measuring past [...]

By |2013-07-12T14:15:11-04:00July 12th, 2013|Surety Blog|Comments Off on What’s Happening?

Experts Predict Stronger Economic Growth for U.S. in the Second Half of 2013!

I have a major in Econ/Business.  My economics professor once accurately pointed out that if you took all the economists in the country and laid them down head to toe, they still couldn't reach a conclusion.  Yet, an awful lot of them are now leaning towards better times in 2013 and 2014.  They predict that [...]

By |2013-07-10T15:03:27-04:00July 10th, 2013|Surety Blog|Comments Off on Experts Predict Stronger Economic Growth for U.S. in the Second Half of 2013!

We’re Learning How to Do More With Less With SBA Bonding!

One of the areas that the SBA is working with contractors is in being more accepting on the quality of financial statements you prepare.  For many contractors, the cost of bonding is really the cost they have to spend on CPA's and accountants to prepare the financial information required by the surety.  So it is [...]

By |2013-07-03T14:14:05-04:00July 3rd, 2013|Surety Blog|Comments Off on We’re Learning How to Do More With Less With SBA Bonding!

It’s Now Easier to do Work for the Florida DOT

For many years, if you wanted to do work over $250,0000 for the Florida Department of Transportation, you had to submit a CPA audit within four months of your fiscal year end. An audit can be a very expensive and time consuming endeavor. The FDOT has revised their requirements. More of their work can now [...]

By |2013-06-21T15:11:23-04:00June 21st, 2013|Surety Blog|Comments Off on It’s Now Easier to do Work for the Florida DOT

Construction Jobs in Florida are Booming!

Florida’s Growth rate will hit 2.5% in 2013, and maybe exceed 3.4% in 2014. Why? A major factor will be housing. Construction jobs will account for 30 percent of the new jobs created during the coming three to five year cyle of growth, according to Beata Caranci, VP and deputy chief economist of TD Bank [...]

By |2013-06-07T19:26:59-04:00June 7th, 2013|Surety Blog|Comments Off on Construction Jobs in Florida are Booming!

If an Obligee Makes a Claim on a Performance Bond, What is “Reasonable Notice”?

Unfortunately, in the past few years, we have heard of several cases where a General Contractor has made claim on a subcontractor bond after the sub defaults, and the surety is very slow to respond. As the GC sits and waits for the surety to respond, the job needs to be completed. If the GC [...]

By |2012-10-06T15:33:27-04:00October 6th, 2012|Surety Blog|Comments Off on If an Obligee Makes a Claim on a Performance Bond, What is “Reasonable Notice”?

Construction Projects in Florida are in Jeopardy

Congress will be voting on a 100 billion dollar transportation bill in July.  As their approval indicates, this congress can rarely get anything done.  Unfortunately, a stalemate in Washington could bring construction in Florida grinding to a halt.  Included in that transportation bill are Federal projects like the construction on the I-4 corridor connecting Tampa [...]

By |2012-06-02T15:49:27-04:00June 2nd, 2012|Surety Blog|Comments Off on Construction Projects in Florida are in Jeopardy
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