
About Cheryl Foley

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So far Cheryl Foley has created 251 blog entries.

A Bill That Would Change Local Preference on Government Contracts Is Moving Forward

A Bill that aspires to end favoritism for local contractors bidding on state-funded construction jobs has advanced further in the Legislature this year than any other time in the past. Currently, cities and counties in Florida may rank local contractors slightly higher in the bidding process than companies with no local presence. Under the legislation [...]

By |2015-04-16T15:47:23-04:00April 16th, 2015|Surety Blog|Comments Off on A Bill That Would Change Local Preference on Government Contracts Is Moving Forward

FDOT Promises to Keep I-4 Moving During the Six Year Construction Period

Board members for Metroplan Orlando were told that all lanes will remain open during the peak travel hours of 7AMto 8PM. According to Loreen Bobo with the FDOT, some intersections or short stretches of side roads in and around the interstate will have to be closed for short periods of time, but most of the [...]

By |2015-04-09T16:06:55-04:00April 9th, 2015|Surety Blog|Comments Off on FDOT Promises to Keep I-4 Moving During the Six Year Construction Period

Florida Surety Bonds is now part of the ABC East Coast Chapter!

We have been members of ABC Central Florida Chapter since the inception of our firm. Last month, we decided to expand our membership and join the East Coast Chapter as well. Associated Builders & Contractors is a great organization to be a part of and we are eager to dive in and take advantage of [...]

By |2015-04-07T18:06:09-04:00April 7th, 2015|Surety Blog|Comments Off on Florida Surety Bonds is now part of the ABC East Coast Chapter!

Train car designer hired for the Orlando Airport to International Drive rail

According to a recent article in the Orlando Business Journal, American Maglev Technology has laid the groundwork to get its first two magnetic-levitation passenger trains by summer 2016. Michigan based engineering consultant, Ricardo Plc signed a long-term agreement with Maglev to handle the design, engineering and integration of the trains and force system. The system [...]

By |2015-04-01T19:43:13-04:00April 1st, 2015|Surety Blog|Comments Off on Train car designer hired for the Orlando Airport to International Drive rail

Florida May Soon Reduce Statute of Repose For Construction-Related Claims to 7 Years

On January 22, 2015, Representative Jay Fant introduced House Bill 501, a bill aimed at reducing the current statute of repose for construction-related claims from 10 years to 7 years. Florida’s statute of limitations and statute of repose for claims “founded on the design, planning, or construction of an improvement to real property” are found at [...]

By |2015-03-25T19:11:52-04:00March 25th, 2015|Surety Blog|Comments Off on Florida May Soon Reduce Statute of Repose For Construction-Related Claims to 7 Years

Get Ready, Orlando – A Skyscraper Rollercoaster Is On The Way!

The tallest roller coaster in the world is coming to Orlando. The $300 million Skyplex; an indoor entertainment complex on International Drive, will soon be home to the world’s tallest rollercoaster.  At 570 feet, the Skyplex’s anchor attraction, the Skyscraper, will be taller than the tallest building in downtown Orlando.  It will be taller than the [...]

By |2015-03-17T15:34:39-04:00March 17th, 2015|Surety Blog|Comments Off on Get Ready, Orlando – A Skyscraper Rollercoaster Is On The Way!

A Chance for Surety to Save the Day

By now, you may have heard of the Orlando Round Building demolition contractor walking off the job.  Demolition of the old American Federal building downtown was to have been completed by November 2014, in time for the opening of the new Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center.  Many deadlines have been missed over the course of [...]

By |2015-03-13T18:37:21-04:00March 13th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on A Chance for Surety to Save the Day

Feds Crack Down on Widespread Construction Tax Evasion Scheme in Florida

The federal government is partnering with the state of Florida to rout out contractors who are participating in a worker misclassification scheme. By classifying permanent employees as independent contractors, companies have been avoiding withholding income tax or filing payroll taxes for these workers.  These contractors also gain an unfair advantage of 20% or more in [...]

By |2015-03-11T19:42:01-04:00March 11th, 2015|Surety Blog|Comments Off on Feds Crack Down on Widespread Construction Tax Evasion Scheme in Florida

Jeff Reich and his daughter Sarah Travel on a Mission Trip to Haiti

Two weeks ago, Jeff and Sarah Reich flew to Haiti on an immersion trip to learn about the charitable work being done there by the Haitian Timoun Foundation. Timoun is Haitian for “child”.  Sarah was a big hit with the young children in the schools we visited.  Traveling with a group of 19 from various [...]

By |2015-03-03T15:12:51-05:00March 3rd, 2015|Surety Blog|Comments Off on Jeff Reich and his daughter Sarah Travel on a Mission Trip to Haiti

Construction at Daytona Speedway Reaches Halfway Mark

Fans that attended this years Daytona 500 watched it from the middle of a complex construction project. A project that is changing the track's front-stretch grandstand area into what officials call a "motorsports stadium". The new grandstands in Turn 1 opened a new high-rise view of the speedway for the first time in 500 history. The [...]

By |2015-02-25T20:14:37-05:00February 25th, 2015|Surety Blog|Comments Off on Construction at Daytona Speedway Reaches Halfway Mark
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