Surety Blog

SBA Increases Size Standards

The Small Business Administration has updated its revenue based size standards for small businesses. For the first time since 2008 the SBA made adjustments to the size standards pertaining to the construction industry; they have all increased.   NAICS Code: NAICS US Industry Title:  Old Standard:           New Standard (effective July 14, 2014) 238210 Electrical Contractors [...]

By |2014-07-16T19:14:23-04:00July 16th, 2014|Surety Blog|Comments Off on SBA Increases Size Standards

San Francisco Bay Bridge Was No Bargain When Inexperienced Chinese Company is Hired.

According to an article in the San Francisco Gate, California Transportation Officials hired a Chinese company that had never built a bridge to make key components of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge's eastern section. Zhenhua Port Machinery, based out of Shanghai, was the subcontractor chosen to make the bridge's new signature tower and roadway for [...]

By |2014-07-10T14:30:43-04:00July 10th, 2014|Surety Blog|Comments Off on San Francisco Bay Bridge Was No Bargain When Inexperienced Chinese Company is Hired.

Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Lending Meets with Higher Rates….Maybe

The Bureau of Labor released May’s employment numbers and they are showing a nice steady growth. Around 217,000 new jobs have been created, many in the CRE Supporting Industries. Business investments are increasing or at least poised to increase and one key piece in that is the willingness of banks to lend to such projects. [...]

By |2014-07-02T13:25:23-04:00July 2nd, 2014|Surety Blog|Comments Off on Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Lending Meets with Higher Rates….Maybe

Habitat for Humanity Builders Blitz 2014 was a Success!

The Habitat for Humanity 2014 Builders Blitz was a huge success. Just one week after the initial groundbreaking for the two home, they are complete! It was incredible to watch the transformation of the build through the organizing, planning, groundbreaking, and finally the finished product. The families received their keys and were able to move into [...]

By |2014-06-27T19:50:48-04:00June 27th, 2014|Surety Blog|Comments Off on Habitat for Humanity Builders Blitz 2014 was a Success!

Construction Career Camp

National Association of Women in Construction "NAWIC" is one of the largest Women’s organizations in America. Kim Niv and Cheryl Foley became members of the Orlando Chapter the beginning of the year and quickly realized the significance that this organization has in the community. The most exciting thing that we got to be a part of just [...]

By |2014-06-12T13:42:20-04:00June 12th, 2014|Surety Blog|Comments Off on Construction Career Camp

Habitat for Humanity Builders Blitz 2014 Groundbreaking!

Today was an exciting day for the Florida Surety Bonds team! As a sponsor of the build, we got to partake in the groundbreaking of the long awaited Habitat for Humanity Veterans Builders Blitz! The Builders Blitz that Habitat of Humanity is doing starts this Saturday. With the support of over 50 local companies that [...]

By |2014-06-05T19:15:35-04:00June 5th, 2014|Surety Blog|Comments Off on Habitat for Humanity Builders Blitz 2014 Groundbreaking!

All Aboard Florida to Add $6.4 Billion to Florida’s Economy Over the Next Eight Years

In the days of drones, Ipads, and Google Glasses, who would have thought that trains would be making so much news this year in Central Florida?  They certainly are.  There are four planned stations for All Aboard Florda.  They are in downtown Fort Lauderdale, downtown West Palm Beach, downtown Miami, and the Orlando International Airport.  [...]

By |2014-05-29T19:19:33-04:00May 29th, 2014|Surety Blog|Comments Off on All Aboard Florida to Add $6.4 Billion to Florida’s Economy Over the Next Eight Years

Florida DOT Approves new Rail Line

The Florida DOT approved plans this week for construction of a privately funded electro-magnetic suspension rail line in Orlando. It will be the first of its kind not only in Florida, but in the United States. The first phase will be a 13.8-mile elevated track costing around $300 million between Orlando International Airport and the Orlando/Orange [...]

By |2014-05-21T18:42:37-04:00May 21st, 2014|Surety Blog|Comments Off on Florida DOT Approves new Rail Line

Do You Have What it Takes To Take on the Next Big Job?

For many Florida contractors, the next big job is going to be a tough ride.  The reason is the shortage of trained workers.  Throughout the recessions, we lost thousands of jobs as residential and commercial building permits slowed down to a trickle.  Many of the contractors who managed to stay in business had to lay [...]

By |2014-05-08T13:25:01-04:00May 8th, 2014|Surety Blog|Comments Off on Do You Have What it Takes To Take on the Next Big Job?

A different type of “bonding”

  We are all about bonds here at Florida Surety Bonds; whether they be the legal, paper binding bonds, or an emotional, heart felt bond. This story out of Tampa is about a different type of "bonding". A disabled Florida veteran was reunited with the dog he lost after a car crash. Army veteran Luke Macner had [...]

By |2014-04-30T13:56:34-04:00April 30th, 2014|Surety Blog|Comments Off on A different type of “bonding”
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